Adolescent Engagement

Nothing about us without us! Adolescent participation in research

Using participatory methods, the Teen Advisory Groups (TAG) research project of the Accelerate Hub is co-developing research priorities and methods that are responsive to adolescent development-related needs and interests. TAG work is guided by principles of meaningful inclusion of adolescents at all stages of the research cycle.

The TAG research team has engaged with adolescents in multiple African countries, including Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and Uganda. Each group have been composed of a diverse range of young people, including young parents, adolescents living with (or closely affected by) HIV, young adolescents, and adolescents living in resource-constrained communities.

Acknowledging that adolescents are experts in their own lives and contexts, the focus of TAG has been to learn about the issues that are important to adolescents, to understand how they want to participate in research, and to provide opportunities through which adolescents meaningfully engage in research initiatives.

Access TAG resources here.

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Watch the video below summarising our work with TAG South Africa and TAG Kenya.